It’s ok to be underqualified. We all have to get used to the idea that we are not going to walk into any IT opportunity and be 100% qualified. Pretty much ever. This applies (of course) from junior-level people all the way to very experienced folks. Even senior IT workers don’t know all of the platforms […]
IT Sales People: How to get techs to talk
The IT sales market it exploding- and for good reason. IT spending has been trending up since the close of the recession. There’s loads of money to be made from connecting IT departments with the products and services we need to make our systems work. The problem I have with IT sales is that, when the […]
4 awful IT admin styles to avoid emulating
Being an IT admin- there’s no question that it is as stressful as it is rewarding. If you’re not careful, however, you can end up with a perception by your peers and leaders that you never wanted. Here is a tongue-in-cheek look at 4 awful IT admins that you should strive to NOT be like. This handy […]
6 Tricks to a Happy IT Life
IT work is hard. Being happy isn’t complicated, but it is hard, too. IT people oftentimes carry the stigma of being grumpy. I can be a stereotype, but sometimes that label is earned. And I get it. Technology work is challenging. If everything works, it’s thankless. If something breaks, end-users can gripe and wonder if you do anything […]